Working Together Cancer Strategy

Mission / Vision / Aims

9 Advance Cooperation and Collaboration across Different Organisations on Island Facilitate working together between different organisations to share resources, expertise and best practices to improve the quality of life and outcomes for cancer patients

People / Roles
Deliverable Lead: Pam Aubert
Deputy Deliverable Lead: Laura Kangas Hammon
Team Members: Claire Mulachy, Suzie Hazeldine, Gordon Hunt (TBC), Lorna Priozollo (TBC), Ed Jewell, Liz Belo

Measure of Success

Success will be evidenced by advancing a network for all cancer services to better serve the patients. Creating a platform for regular dialogue and information exchange. Developing joint initiatives that address patient needs.

Measure of Success Success will be evidenced by advancing a network for all cancer services to better serve the patients. Creating a platform for regular dialogue and information exchange. Developing joint initiatives that address patient needs.

To create an HTML summary of the provided Excel sheet data for a webpage, here’s a structured outline that organizes the main points about the project into relevant sections:

Key Actions

Develop the Network

Set clear actions that build on the current framework of the Network to create a space for collaboration to support needs and sharing of resources. (Idea proposed to expand the meeting by an hour to use the time already allocated and to increase the membership for the collaboration of projects aspects)

More Broadly

Ensure that there is commitment and a designated team or individual from each participating organization to facilitate regular communication and collaboration.

Consider whether initial funding or resources are necessary to develop and maintain the network platform.
Evidence meetings every 6 weeks, and sign off on the associated terms of reference.”

Pam to meet with Lorna to discuss her vision for and what actions need to be completed to deliver this and then feed this information into the first workstream meeting to allocate actions amongst the workstream members

Organise a slot at the next Health & Care Partnership Group meeting and establish a presentation of progress

Following identification of success measures and understanding of this deliverable’s outcome, to complete a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Screener held on MyStates to understand if this deliverable will be using personal identifiable information

To identify whether funding is required to achieve this deliverable. If yes, to put forward a bid for funding through a business case

Tasks / Milestones

Develop a network that promotes collaboration and resource sharing among organizations.
Deliver at least 2 projects per year, with success measured by network functionality and initiative outcomes.
Conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment to ensure compliance with data protection laws.
Assess and possibly initiate a bid for funding if necessary.

Communications Strategy

Develop and implement a communications strategy that details the project’s progress and outcomes.

Project Closure and Review

Closure Report: Submit and get approval for the closure report from the Steering Group.
Lessons Learned: Document lessons learned with the Deliverable Team.
Benefits Realization Review: Conduct a 30, 60, and 90-day review of the benefits realization and report findings back to the Steering Group.

Meeting Notes