
7 Ways to influence (and resist)


Do it…

1.    Because you like me, and you’re like me

2.    Do it to reciprocate, repay past or future debt or promise

3.    Do it because everyone else is doing it

4.    This offer is good for a limited time only

5.    Do it to be consistent, with past, with values, with type

6.    You can believe me, I’m an authority

7.    Do it or else


No, because…

1.    I like you, but I don’t like this proposal

2.    Is this a favour? Are you looking for something in return?

3.    Just because everyone else is doesn’t mean..

4.    If I don’t have time to think, I don’t have time to buy

5.    I need to think about what I want, and be consistent with that

6.    If I were you I might, but I’m not you

7.    Please explain the “or else” slowly so I fully understand

How to react to negative feedback (possibly bullying)

1.    Ask for time to think – it should force a pause or moment of silence.

2.    Think about what you want to happen – don’t fight back, think forward.

3.    Get the bully to stop yelling – “Please speak more slowly, I’d like to understand” or (if on the phone) say nothing until they ask “Are you still there?”

4.    What ever you do don’t explain – think forward, don’t justify, recriminate, excuse or offer explanation. They’re looking to exploit weaknesses (-) not strength (+)

5.    Ask “what would you like me to do?”. If so challenged they will ask you for something more acceptable than what they want. This is your exit opportunity.

6.    Don’t take criticism personally – attacks on your team, your work, your values, etc are not attacks on you. Although it is hard to resist “fight or flight”

7.    Learn from criticism – if you wait 24 hrs before answering criticism it will demonstrate maturity, reasonableness and you may learn something!

As a ICF Coach, Mediation Practitioner and APMG Change Practitioner,  I can offer tools, tips and templates as well as facilitation and mediation to support communications and change.

Tim Rogers Mob 447797762051 

We offer #consulting, #coaching, #mentoring, #facilitation and #mediating to support individuals, teams and organisations.  #jersey #timhjrogers #prince2 #agile #waterfall #pmo #projects #lean #training #programmes


Are you de-scoping to achieve delivery?

One of the biggest problems with projects is scope-creep: Adding additional features or functions of a new product, requirements, or work that is not authorized (i.e., beyond the agreed-upon scope). The result is extra time, effort, complexity and cost. So this should be avoided.

However at the opposite extreme, it is very often the case that people de-scope items in an effort to avoid extra time, effort, complexity and cost. The “What can we do without?” approach has its merits. It is taking an MVP approach. A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. The aim being get the basics done and build on this baseline.

The problem with he “What can we do without?” approach may be achieving consensus over what is suitable, feasible and acceptable. 

Scenario 1

Supposing you are looking to fly to Edinburgh, but the pilot lands at Prestwick and says, I got you as close as I can wit the constraints (of time, money, resource). You’ll have to walk from here. The distance between Glasgow Prestwick Airport Station and Edinburgh is 63 miles. The road distance is 75.2 miles. Is this suitable, feasible and acceptable?

Scenario 2

Supposing you are expecting to have a car delivered. It may be suitable, feasible and acceptable that the roof rack, tow-bar and floor mats are delivered later. But what about seats, air-conditioning, or radio? I’m sure we’d draw the line at engine and wheels. 

If you are de-scoping to achieve delivery you’ll need stakeholder engagement and their participation and endorsement if you want the result to be accepted as “more to follow”, than a disappointment and failure and a high degree of cynicism over the next phase what was promised and not delivered in the first. 

In a lot of respects this is more about communication and stakeholder management than the late delivery of artifacts. It may demand mediation and negotiation to build the trust which is necessary over the bridging period between what has been delivered and what was promised. This is especially the case if the temporary short-fall means extra work from some people, or greater risk, or opportunity cost. 

Goodwill is like money and the bank. You can be granted an overdraft to remedy a short-term problem, but you will be expected to keep your promises to make-good, and be judged by your ability to do so.

As a ICF Coach, Mediation Practitioner and APMG Change Practitioner, I can offer tools, tips and templates as well as facilitation and mediation to support communications and change.

Tim Rogers Mob 447797762051 

We offer #consulting, #coaching, #mentoring, #facilitation and #mediating to support individuals, teams and organisations. 

#jersey #timhjrogers #prince2 #agile #waterfall #pmo #projects #lean #training #programmes


Coaching the person rather than the problem



the earliest stages of coach training, candidates are taught the GROW model as
part of a solution focused approach to coaching. This has many merits and is
perhaps a great place to start.


of Solution Focussed models

GROW = Goal, Reality, Options, Will

= Preferred outcome, Exceptions (when is this not a problem), Existing
resources, Progress so far
MAPS = Multiple options, Asking how (action) not why (philosophical), Problems
into possibilities, SMART steps
SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound
PDCA = Plan, Do, Check, Act
DMAIC = Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control

it is also where too many finishes, perhaps satisfied with questions like “How
do I get more Friends on Facebook” these coaches may satisfy their clients’ query
but they fail their growth if they don’t explore Why?




understand why may require some cognitive exploration of thinking, feeling,
being and examination of assumptions, patterns, perceptions, and preferences
informed by experience, education and culture.


of Cognitive Exploration models


= Social, Physical/Psychological, Actions, Cognition, Emotion
CLARITY = Context, Life Event, Actions, Reactions, Images and Identify,
Thoughts, Your future choice
ABCDEF = Activity (event), Belief, Consequence, Dispute (change belief),
Effective new response, Future focus




to understand the present and the trajectory to the future it is useful to understand
the psychodynamic elements: Our stories of home, growing-up, relationships and
work help us understand what has shaped us into who we are, and key memories,
thoughts, feelings, and aspirations help understand the emotions, thoughts and
actions that drive us.


often encourage clients to use stories, metaphors and analogy to explore the labyrinth
of thinking, feeling and being in a psychologically safe way that allows for “what
if” speculation and exploration without undermining them in the here and now.


Centred Approach


person centred approach puts the client in charge and the coach listens with
empathy and understanding. Occasionally they may seek clarification but the
focus is on active listening rather than asking and never telling. The client
decides the discussion and the direction. This may at times appear like counselling
rather than coaching.


it seems to me that although the cognitive exploration or psychodynamic  approaches might appear more interventionist
(with the coach partnering the exploration rather than following the clients’ stream
of conscious) they are still person centred because the approach is not ‘solve
the problem’ but instead more focussed on helping the client know and understand
themselves better, and grow as a result aided by awareness and choice.


and Leadership


think there is a strong link between coaching and leadership. Partly because
coaching is often used by people to become better ‘Business’ Leaders, but also
because coaching helps people become better leaders of their own lives and


was therefore interested in a LinkedIn posting by Brian Cunningham, CEO &
Leadership Author  on the developmental progression of leadership takes us through all
10-Levels of leadership service, including…

L1 – Authoritarian Leadership… through Command &

L2 – Evidence-Based Leadership… through Persuasion
L3 – Coaching Leadership… through Guidance
L4 – Transformational Leadership… through Connection
L5 – Servant Leadership… through Clarity of Vision
L6 – Transcendental Leadership… through Direct Insight
L7 – Mystic Leadership… through Direct Experience
L8 – Awakened Leadership… through Awakening other

L9 – Integrated Leadership… through Deep Presence and

L10 – Unified Leadership… through the experience of
our Oneness with All.


seems to me that we can see at Level 1 a rather mechanical approach, a bit like
the GROW model, which is akin to a solution focused but command and control
approach. Whereas Level 8 upwards appear better aligned to Awareness and Emotional
Intelligence that may be fostered through  Cognitive Exploration or the Psychodynamic


am reminded of the book Executive Coaching: Systems-Psychodynamic Perspective by
which suggests that  i
n coaching it is important to
understand the Person, Role and System



You should

The clients

The clients
life story;

The clients
skills, competencies, abilities and talents;

aspirations, progression and future aim;

workplace and environment in which they perform;

current organisational role.



many circumstances business can be like a dysfunctional family and the workplace
becomes a place where people act out their dramas (roles, beliefs, ambitions).
In these circumstances we need to move beyond solving problems to helping


and Culture


behaviour happens in a vacuum, it is always in the context of culture (real or perceived)
and since leadership (and perceptions) exists within a culture then it becomes
necessary to examine this.  It could be
argued that leadership creates or sets culture, and there are lots of ‘how to’
books that suggest that this is an achievable aim. However it could also be
said that culture selects leaders, either through a democratic process,
survival of the fittest or circumstantial necessity.


may be some ‘chicken and egg’ debate about Leadership and Culture, but we
readily acknowledge the concept of cultural fit and a sense of belonging, which
seem to have their roots in nature, nurture and attachment theory albeit
subsequently modified by education and experience.


coaching has to be able to take account of this, for which my go-to resource
has been Spiral Dynamics with its hierarchy which also seems to start from the  solution focused but command and control
approach (to survival) through to what Brian Cunningham
calls Unified Leadership


1.     SurvivalSense
— Instinctive

2.     KinSpirits —

3.     PowerGods —

4.     TruthForce —

5.     StriveDrive —

6.     HumanBond —

7.     FlexFlow —

8.     GlobalView —

9.     GlobalView_

course there shouldn’t be a surprise here because all the different models have
the same denominator: people.


Structure to Process Third Generation Coaching


recent reading of Dr Darren Stevens suggests to me that the first
and second Generation of Coaching was structurally on fixing problems (problem
people, problem products, and problem procedures) by using some of the
formulaic models above.


Generation Coaching appears to be more about process, how we think rather than
what we think, how we behave rather than what we do. It might be simplistically
be phrased as ‘it aint what you do but the way that you do it”  or compared to the saying “give a man a fish
and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”


essence is the development of the person rather than the resolution of the


the Author


Rogers is a consultant, coach, IoD mentor and mediator. His public sector work
included project manager for the incorporation of the Post Office and Ports of
Jersey, and project director for the Health and Social Services Governance
Review. He now focusses on coaching people and teams delivering change.




you are interested in coaching, mentoring or mediation get in touch

resources here

Trained Coach, IoD Business Mentor, Mediator


#coaching, #mentoring and #mediating to support people through #change




Approaches To Coaching


10-Levels of leadership


Reference to Dr Darren Stevens


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Source: Adapt Consulting Blog





MBA student was asked to list two strengths and a weakness in their
leadership. As I thought about this question and the possible answers I
realised that the question was flawed. Indeed I feel it indicates a
complete misunderstanding of leadership and in this article I will try
and explain why.


*I am not a fan of leadership which is often ego-driven, celebrity, wealth accumulation

have always been curious about those who pursue leadership. I have a
sense that many who pursue leadership (especially politics) are exactly
the people who should not. The ‘look at me’ and ‘win at any cost’ types
who will change the principles, values and rhetoric to suit the Board or
the Electorate. I am reminded of Groucho Marx Quote … I refuse to
join any club that would have me as a member.

So in this
context writing about the value of leadership and leadership traits may
be mor challenging, but hopefully more insightful coming from a
different perspective.

*Peer groups and families, management and coaching

am not anti-leadership, but I see it in very different terms from the
mainstream 1950s to 2010 view. I think post globalisation, Brexit,
covid, climate change and a whole host of other social-political changes
a different view is emerging.

You mother, father, friends and
family may not be wealthy or eilte. You probably don’t address them as
Sir and Ma’m and yet these are your formative leaders. People may look
to the person on the podium, or the statute on the column, but real
change and influence comes from close ties and peer groups. The leaders
of your life are probably the 5 people that you have spent most time
with rather than the chance meeting with Prime Ministers Tony Blair or
David Cameron.

I think teachers and coaches have an important
role. This is the type of leadership that creates the right environment,
nurtures thinking, encourages challenge. This ‘Servant Leadership’ has
been often under-rated, but the fact that it now has a name and
definition suggests that it is on the rise.

You’re not the
average of the FIVE people you surround with. It’s way bigger than that.
You’re the average of all the people who surround you. So take a look
around and make sure you’re in the right surroundings.

leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the goal of the leader is
to serve. … Servant leadership inverts the norm, which puts the
customer service associates as a main priority. Instead of the people
working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.

is not new. Serve to Lead is the official text studied by all Officer
Cadets at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. References, quotations,
advice on Morale, Leadership, Discipline, the British Soldier, Man
Management, Duty and Service, and Courage.

Sandhurst maintains a
tradition of leadership , which is ambiguously summed up by the
academies motto: Serve to Lead, one of which has survived through time
and change because of the basic principle that an officer is a leader.

I highly recommend the book Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling Paperback by Edgar H. Schein

also recommend reading about Mission Command which is more about
Outcome than Oratory. Mission-type tactics, is a form of military
tactics where the emphasis is on the outcome of a mission rather than
the specific means of achieving it. US Colonel Sean Parkes suggests
Mission command is the empowerment of leaders and followers to execute
intent-based planning and is underpinned by trust, disciplined
initiative and risk management. … Notably, a true mission command
climate generates a high-performance climate.

I am reminded of
Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins’ Eve-of-Battle Speech: ‘We go to
liberate, not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their country. We
are entering Iraq to free a people and the only flag which will be
flown in that ancient land is their own. … Iraq is steeped in history.


there are so many: 1. Integrity; 2. Innovative; 3. Honesty; 4. Active
Listening; 5. Self-Confidence; 6. Visionary; 7. Strong Communicator; 8.
Delegation; 9. Decision-making Skill; 10. Problem-Solving Skills; 11.
Fair Attitude; 12. Inquisitiveness; 13. Self-motivated; 14. Humility;
15. Care for Others; 16. Self-Discipline; 17. Emotional Intelligence;
18. Passion; 19. Resilience; 20. Accountability; 21. Supportive; 22.
Tech-savvy; 23. Empathy; 24. Learning Agility; 25. Empowerment;

can add little value in this area, social media, books and search
engines are bursting with lists and advice. I have read possibly
hundreds of books on philosophy, history, change, technology and
leadership with all sorts of ideas, icons and instruction.

you are planning to start a small library on this topic this is a good
book to have in your collection Leadersmithing: Revealing the Trade
Secrets of Leadership Book by Eve Poole

However the sales
people for MBAs, Executive Leadership Programmes may sell you a
sanitised version of leadership with simple guides and checklists but it
it not all like William Shakespeare’s Henry V: Once more unto the
breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English
dead […] Follow your spirit, and upon this charge. Cry ‘God for Harry,
England, and Saint George!’ (spoken by King Henry)


*Steve Jobs and Donald Trump, Henry Ford – deeply flawed characters that inspire

the theory is leadership is good, and leaders are good guys? Maybe not.
Maybe leadership is getting things done, but they may not be great
people to work for. To ensure no one could recreate the Taj Mahal’s
beauty, Shah Jahan supposedly severed the hands and gouged the eyes of
the artisans and craftsmen. Steve Jobs could use his reality distortion
field (ways of thinking and talking) to appropriate others’ ideas as
his own, sometimes proposing an idea back to its originator, only a week
after dismissing it. At one time 50% of America believe Donald Trump is
their preferred leader, despite being an alleged liar, racist,
misogynist etc. Henry Ford may have automated car production (and
people) – “You don’t think of Hitler having a portrait of Henry Ford on
his office wall in Munich.” (Miriam Kleinman, a researcher with the
Washington law firm of Cohen, Millstein and Hausfeld) He is the only
American whom Adolf Hitler compliments by name in Mein Kampf.

when my MBA student friend writes about two strengths and a weakness in
their leadership, would the above characters be role models for the
former or the latter.

*Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos – technology and technocrats leaders

is no doubt that these are amongst the cleverest people alive. They
have used their genius and vision to make vast wealth and applied some
of that wealth to projects which may or many not benefit mankind
depending on your perspective.

As of 2018, Bill and Melinda
Gates had donated around $36 billion to the foundation.The primary
stated goals of the foundation are to enhance healthcare and reduce
extreme poverty across the world, and to expand educational
opportunities and access to information technology in the U.S. Key.
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have ostensibly replaced the US and USSR in the
space-race, but is this self indulgent big boys toys, or something
critical to the advancement of humanity?

In this context
Leadership appears to be how you accumulate and use your wealth. There
is perhaps some over-lap with the previous grouping but I suspect the
power of technology (to persuade, market, sell, influence) is going to
be an increasing feature of leadership, a fact not lost on Dominic
Cummings, Brittany Kaiser or Cambridge Analytica.

Are these the
new leaders, those that have mastered technology and data to sell or
manipulate? When my MBA student friend writes about two strengths and a
weakness in their leadership, should Dominic Cummings, Brittany Kaiser
or Jeff Basos be top of their list?

*Margaret Thatcher – ideological characters that don’t listen

am not an historian, but I have noted that the British seem to swig the
pendulum between strong authoritative leaders and more conciliatory
types who are often a compromise candidate after a period of turmoil.
John Major followed Margaret Thatcher, Gordon Brown followed Toney
Blair and the ‘weak’ Theresa May was followed by the ‘charismatic’ Boris
Johnson. I will explore contingent and contextual leadership further

Was Margaret Thatcher a great leader? I think so, but I
know plenty who would disagree and have good evidence to support their
view. However there are plenty of occasions when people have sought,
supported, elected and followed the strong willed or indeed outright

Thatcher’s confidence in her ideals was
characteristic of her prime ministerial tenure, and it caused her to run
a government based on conviction politics – in other words, driven
primarily on her own values. However, some political commentators have
argued that this approach is eventually what led to her
downfall.Following a slew of economic problems and unpopular policies,
including the infamous Poll Tax, Thatcher decided to resign after it
became obvious that she had lost the support of her Cabinet and closest

Is conviction politics leadship, or myopic? A trait for the strengths-column or the weakness-column.

*Ghandi and Mandela – philosophical characters that challenge thinking

am cautious here, because I do not know either sufficiently well to be
authoritative, but at the same time it would be a terrible omission not
to include them in an essay or article about leadership.

leadership role was extremely complex. Knowing that violence only
begets violence, he began practicing passive resistance, Satyagraha.
Mahatma Gandhi was a leader that brought one of the world’s most
powerful nations to its knees… by using peace, love and integrity as
his method for change.

In 1943, Mandela met Anton Lembede, an
ANC member affiliated with the “Africanist” branch of African
nationalism, which was virulently opposed to a racially united front
against colonialism and imperialism or to an alliance with the
communists. Despite his friendships with white people, people of colour,
and communists, Mandela believed that Black Africans should be entirely
independent in their struggle for political self-determination. After
taking part in the unsuccessful protest to prevent the forced relocation
of all Black people from the Sophiatown suburb of Johannesburg in
February 1955, Mandela concluded that violent action would prove
necessary to end apartheid and white minority rule. US President Ronald
Reagan and UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; both considered
Mandela’s ANC a terrorist organisation sympathetic to communism, and
supported its suppression. Mandela served 27 years in prison, split
between Robben Island, Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. Amid
growing domestic and international pressure and fears of racial civil
war, President F. W. de Klerk released him in 1990. Mandela and de Klerk
led efforts to negotiate an end to apartheid, which resulted in the
1994 multiracial general election in which Mandela led the ANC to
victory and became president.

It is a cliché to say One Man’s
Terrorist another Man’s Freedom Fighter? The guerrilla fighter’s
targets are military ones, while the terrorist deliberately targets
civilians. By this definition, a terrorist organization can no longer
claim to be ‘freedom fighters’ because they are fighting for national
liberation or some other worthy goal.

History is an interesting
judge of character (and leadership) and despite protestations to the
contrary we are always re-wring history by the way we edit books, tear
down statues and reinterpret events or reconcile old enemies.

would be on the wrong side of history to suggest that these men were
not great leaders but ostensibly they were opposites for the same ends.
This furthering my view that leadership is not one thing (practicing
passive resistance) or another (freedom fighter) but like water always
changing in form (ice, sea, stream, clouds, rain). It is therefore to
nebulous for us to asset that one approach is leadership and other other
is not.

*Gareth Southgate – leaders of team behaviour and philosophy

so to the latest icon of leadership: Gareth Southgate. I like him, but
ironically because he is less like a leader and more like an elder. I
like him because appears to me to be managing and supporting his team
with a focus on them rather then himself. I have often suggested
leadership is over-hyped and management or coaching (helping people
complete tasks and achieve their goals) is a humbler but more noble


*Contextual Leadership: Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler

met an HR Leadership Trainer who told me that “Leaders are born, not
made” which I found ironic since their professional as a trainer was
about helping, supporting guiding people to become leaders. If they are
really born with innate talent why bother with education or experience?

Let’s imagine: It’s time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Which would you choose:

A: Associates with ward healers and consults with astrologists; has had
two mistresses; chain-smokes and drinks eight to ten martinis a day.
Candidate B: Was kicked out of office twice; sleeps until noon; used opium in college; drinks a quart of brandy every evening.
C: Is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an
occasional beer, and has had no illicit love affairs.

Which of
these candidates is your choice? You don’t really need any more
information, do you? ; Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt. Candidate B is
Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler.

I do believe
leadership is contextual, nature, nurture, education and experience are
key factors is is history and opportunity. Winston Churchill and Adolf
Hitler would be my examples.

I aim to read Hitler and Churchill. Secrets of Leadership by Andrew Roberts

*Goleman’s leadership styles and Belbin Team Types

to Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, there are six
emotional leadership styles – Authoritative, Coaching, Affiliative,
Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coercive. Each style has a different effect
on the emotions of the people that you’re leading.

Pacesetting – “Do it my way”
Commanding – “Do it because I say so”
Visionary – “Let’s remind ourselves of the larger purpose”
Affiliative -“People first, task second”
Democratic – “Let’s work it out together”
Coaching – “Let me help you develop”

The nine Belbin team roles

The Monitor Evaluator (thought-oriented)
The Specialist (thought-oriented)
The Plant (thought-oriented)
The Shaper (action-oriented)
The Implementer (action-oriented)
The Completer/Finisher (action-oriented)
The Coordinator (people-oriented)
The Team Worker (people-oriented)
The Resource Investigator (people-oriented)

me these are critically important to context, because the right
combination or leadership style, role and context is rather like a
chemical reaction. Perhaps nothing will happen, or something completely
transformative will happen.

*Personality Types – MBTI, DISC and Ocean-Big5

think it is important here to consider personality type, when thinking
about leadership style. This may be interesting because there are many
self assessment personality type quizzed on-line which may be
interesting to the reader.

The best know is Myers Brigges MBTI

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is an introspective self-report
questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how
people perceive the world and make decisions. The test attempts to
assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or
intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving.

The MBTI instrument has four sets of letters:

and I stand for Extraversion and Introversion—indicating whether you
get energy from being around people or from time spent alone.

and N stand for Sensing and Intuition—indicating whether you become
aware of specific facts and concrete details or prefer to focus on
hunches and the big picture.

T and F stand for Thinking and
Feeling—indicating whether you tend to make decisions based on logical
analysis and the principles involved or prefer to decide by considering
your values and promoting harmony for the people involved.

and P stand for Judging and Perceiving—indicating whether you prefer
your life to be planned and like it when things are decided or prefer to
go with the flow and like keeping your options open.

There are broadly 16 personality types.

Analysts Architect INTJ-A / INTJ-T Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.
Logician INTP-A / INTP-T Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Commander ENTJ-A / ENTJ-T Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way – or making one.
Debater ENTP-A / ENTP-T Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.
Diplomats Advocate INFJ-A / INFJ-T Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.
Mediator INFP-A / INFP-T Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.
Protagonist ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.
Campaigner ENFP-A / ENFP-T Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.
Sentinels Logistician ISTJ-A / ISTJ-T Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose reliability cannot be doubted.
Defender ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.
Executive ESTJ-A / ESTJ-T Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things – or people.
Consul ESFJ-A / ESFJ-T Extraordinarily caring, social and popular people, always eager to help.
Explorers Virtuoso ISTP-A / ISTP-T Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.
Adventurer ISFP-A / ISFP-T Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
Entrepreneur ESTP-A / ESTP-T Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.
Entertainer ESFP-A / ESFP-T Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them.

DISC is simpler (and therefore more popular) summarising people as follows.

D- Direct Demanding Decisive Determined Doer NT TASK OUTGOING
I- Influencing Impressionable Interactive Impressive NF PEOPLE OUTGOING
S- Supportive Stable Steady Sweet SF, PEOPLE, RESERVED
C- Calculating Competent Conscientious Contemplative ST, TASK, RESERVED

Note the links to MBTI using the letters N, T, S and F to note preferences

The Big Five personality traits is a suggested taxonomy, or grouping, for personality traits

The theory identifies five factors OCEAN:
openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)
extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)
neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

are simple lists to remind the informed, but there is a lot to discover
and I would encourage anyone to read and self-test, perhaps using
on-line tools. It can be revelatory. All the above inform us about
ourselves and others and our tendency to like or loath, lead or follow.


Whereas the above may
indicate our personality, leadning style or role preferences (which
clearly are not the same, but do inter-relate) it is important to
consider how we came to these.

For the sake of brevity I will
point to a previous article. In this article I explore attachment
theory; maternal deprivation and social isolation; mental
representations and working models; patterns of attachment; romantic
partners; and resilience. I also include a section for self assessment,
recommended books and references.

you look at the biographies and histories of any of the above named
leaders it is clear that family, culture and community are big factors
in their nature and nurture which have shaped their attitude and


and Organisations are often like dysfunctional families, you don’t
usually get to choose your circumstances and somehow have to get along.
Also Businesses and Organisations are often the places where people act
our their dreams or fears, talent or fantasy. It may be useful
therefore to explore family therapy as a model for organisations and a
useful perspective for leadership.

For the sake of brevity I
will point to a previous article. In this article I explore management
models for teams, alignment, communication, productivity and also some
models from psychodynamics, family therapy and resources useful to
understand relationships and their affect on the whole system.


change meanings over time. To be “Sick” was to be ill or unwell. Now
for some “If it’s really cool, it’s sick”. To any faith-based person
that you walked up to and said ‘man, you’re wicked!’, that goes against
the whole belief system that they’ve been striving to be, yet for some
it means “Impressive”

Maybe leadership is simply the new word
for good management, slightly over-hyped in the same way that to be good
was acceptable but nowadays in the competition for attention everyone
has to be awesome!

Good leadership is what happens when the
square pegs find themselves square holes, or round pegs round holes. It
is not about being square or being round and so therein the pretext of
seeking two strengths and a weakness in our leadership is deeply flawed
because the behaviours, traits and beliefs are simply “you” and
leadership is “you in the context” of other people.

For me, it is competence at understanding yourself, circumstance, and supporting people achieve their goals.

That’ll do.


You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With

You’re NOT The Average Of The Five People You Surround Yourself With

The Language of Mission Command and the Necessity of an Historical Approach

Why People Are Drawn to Narcissists Like Donald Trump

How American Icon Henry Ford Fostered Anti-Semitism

Margaret Thatcher: Leadership skills of the Iron Lady

Defining Terrorism: Is One Man’s Terrorist another Man’s Freedom Fighter?

Gareth Southgate leadership

Words and Meanings

Secrets of Leadership: Hitler and Churchill

Adolf Hitler And Winston Churchill

Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles

The Nine Belbin Team Roles
Source: Adapt Consulting Blog





Here is some thinking on culture and those that have gone from heroes to villains, and the idea that there is no black or white in business but shades of grey and a swinging pendulum of change and context which sometimes are aligned and sometimes out of sync.

The hypothesis is based on In Search of Excellence is a book written by Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman and the promise it proclaimed and the reality that came to pass.


In Search of Excellence is a book written by Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.. It sold 4.5 million copies and explored the art and science of management and was part of my MBA Study.

However the research methodology employed by the authors of this book is also severely criticised by Phil Rosenzweigh in his book The Halo Effect as the “Delusion of Connecting the Winning Dots”. In an article in Fast Company, Peters remarked that the criticism that “If these companies are so excellent, Peters, then why are they doing so badly now,” was unfair.

I highly recommend reading this..


Like all good MBAs, process, culture and change consultants I have read and studied Lean Manufacturing, Toyota Production System and all the books in that section of the Library. So it is interesting to make Toyota the focus of my exploration into heroes to villains and the pendulum of change and context.

The CEO of General Motors announced that GM wasn’t in the business of making cars, it was in the business of making money. (This came as a shock to most of GM’s customers, who were in the market to buy a car — or even better, a way of life — not to spend money.)

Against that context Japanese manufacturers were bound to do well.



The Toyota concept came from visiting a supermarket. The idea of just-in-time production was originated by Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of Toyota. The question was how to implement the idea. In reading descriptions of American supermarkets he noted the store restocks the shelf with enough new product to fill up the shelf space. Similarly, a work-center that needed only enough to replace the inventory that had been withdrawn. Less stock, less waste, means less cost and more profit.

The right process will produce the right results

>Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.

>Use the “pull” system to avoid overproduction.

>Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare.)

>Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right from the start. (Jidoka)

>Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.

>Use visual control so no problems are hidden.

>Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.

Add value to the organization by developing your people and partners

>Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others.

>Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company’s philosophy.

>Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve.

Source: Toyota Production System


We can see from the article below, and the key points I have extracted Totoya’s status as a role model.

Analyzing Toyota’s Recipe for Success – The Toyota Way

Key points

Toyota way can be described by using the following 4 P model – Philosophy, Process, People & Partners, and Problem solving.

1. The Toyota philosophy: management decisions are based on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals

2. Processes: the most important objective of the Toyota System has been to increase production efficiency by consistently and thoroughly eliminating waste. Closely linked to Toyota’s JIT Just in Time principle is the company’s supply chain management, as the high efficiency and effectiveness of a JIT inventory system is heavily dependent upon the smooth co-ordination of a company’s supplier network (a feature of the villain part of this essay)

3. People and Partners: The underlying principle is that a workplace with high morale and a high level of job satisfaction is more likely to produce reliable, high-quality products at affordable prices. In contrast to other car manufacturers like GM or Ford, Toyota has managed to create an organizational culture that strengthens employee motivation and encourages their participation,

4. Problem Solving: one always has to see for himself in order to thoroughly understand the situation (jap. Genchi Genbutsu), and that making decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options, is the key for sustainable problem solving


Under the lean manufacturing system, seven wastes are identified: overproduction, inventory, motion, defects, over-processing, waiting, and transport.

An overall objective is to limit resources used in the manufacturing system to only those needed. There are six other objectives that are a key to obtaining the overall objective.

First — Optimize each individual step of the manufacturing system. In other words, make each part as efficient as possible to get the most from the least.

Second — Make a product with no flaws or defects. This ensures that each part of the production line will go as planned.

Third — Reduce the manufacturing cost. The cheaper it is to make the product the larger the profit for the company.

Fourth — Make a product that is demanded by consumers. If there is no demand then there is only money lost.

Fifth — There needs to be flexibility in the system. Things will not always go as planned and the system must be flexible enough that it can be modified easily.

Sixth — There needs to be a strong and reliable relationship between customers and suppliers. Since Just-In-Time manufacturing means there is virtually no extra stock or materials on hand, companies need to rely on each other to be reliable and on time.

Read more: Lean Manufacturing Made Toyota the Success Story it is Today


An industry of lean-manufacturing experts have extolled the virtues of TPS so often and with so much conviction that managers believe its role in Toyota’s success. HBR research shows that TPS is necessary but is by no means sufficient to account for Toyota’s success.

The company succeeds because it creates contradictions and paradoxes in many aspects of organizational life. Employees have to operate in a culture where they constantly grapple with challenges and problems and must come up with fresh ideas.

During the first phase of HBRs research, they uncovered six major contradictory tendencies, one of which influences company strategy and the others Toyota’s organizational culture.

1. Toyota moves slowly, yet it takes big leaps: the launch of the Prius in Japan in 1997 was a huge leap.

2. Toyota grows steadily, yet it is a paranoid company – Never be satisfied

3. Toyota’s operations are efficient, but it uses employees’ time in seemingly wasteful ways – You would be amazed to see how many people attend a meeting at Toyota even though most of them don’t participate in the discussions.

4. Toyota is frugal, but it splurges on key areas. – In Japan, the company turns off the lights in its offices at lunchtime. At the same time, Toyota spends huge sums of money on manufacturing facilities

5. Toyota insists internal communications be simple, yet it builds complex social networks -Toyota fosters a complex web of social networks because it wants “everybody to know everything.”

6. Toyota has a strict hierarchy, but it gives employees freedom to push back -Pick a friendly fight.

The ying and yang of contradictions and paradoxes appear to be as follows…

Forces of Expansion 1: Impossible goals- For example, Watanabe has said that his goal is to build a car that makes the air cleaner, prevents accidents, makes people healthier and happier when they drive it

Forces of Expansion 2: Local customization – Local customization forces Toyota to push the envelope in numerous ways. For instance in 1998 when it developed the Innovative International Multipurpose Vehicle (IMV) platform. Toyota engineers had to design the platform to meet the needs of consumers in more than 140 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, Central and South America, and the Middle East.

Forces of Expansion 3: Experimentation – People test hypotheses and learn from the consequent successes and failures. The development team, called G21, first came up with a car that delivered a 50% improvement in fuel efficiency. Toyota’s senior executives rejected the prototype and demanded a 100% improvement

Three Forces of Integration 1: Values from the founders – Toyota has succeeded in the long term because of its naive optimism. Its employees see obstacles as challenges. Toyota’s chairperson Fujio Cho translated genchi genbutsu as “Have you seen it yourself?” The implication is that if you have not seen something firsthand, your knowledge about it is suspect.

Three Forces of Integration 2: Up-and-in people management – In 1977 The order had come down from then president Hiroshi Okuda: “Cut all costs, but don’t touch any people.” Toyota trains employees in problem-solving methods during their first 10 years with the company. Another feature of its people management policies is the role exemplary employees play as mentors.

Three Forces of Integration 3: Open communication – Information flows freely up and down the hierarchy and across functional and seniority levels, extending outside the organization to suppliers, customers, and dealers.

HBR conclude People often ask us, “Tell me one thing I should learn from Toyota.” That misses the point. Emulating Toyota isn’t about copying any one practice; it’s about creating a culture. That takes time. It requires resources. And it isn’t easy

Read more: The Contradictions That Drive Toyota’s Success


So far, so good. Toyota looks like a great success story and the articles picked indicate why and how. But nothing is perfect forever. There may be dark side.



When in 2009 Toyota Motor halted sales of eight models in the United States because of potentially fatal sudden acceleration problems, industry pundits were quick to cite Toyota’s rapid expansion into the States as the key culprit.

Key issues

1. Bureaucracy: Toyota lost its key bridge between management in Japan and various U.S. constituencies — and its ability to respond rapidly when crises hit.

2. Over confidence – information is shared only on a “need to know” basis, confides one American employee. And long a scrappy underdog to General Motors and Ford Motor, Toyota developed a sense of cockiness

3. Weak Management – When he took the job, Toyoda told the world that he would practice “genchi genbutsu,” which translates as “going to where the problem is.” But when the safety flap came to light, Akio Toyoda, 53, grandson of the company’s founder remained silent and even attended the annual gathering of world leaders in Davos,

The impact

Toyota’s problem-solving mechanism clearly broke down. The company revealed as much in the series of explanations it released. Initially, Toyota announced the floor mats were the problem. Then it was the gas pedals, which were made by an Indiana-based supplier and thus limited the problem only to U.S.-made cars. But that story didn’t hold up because of a well-publicized case involving a Lexus in California in which four people died — and that vehicle was made in Japan. Then in early February, problems developed with the Prius hybrid and its brakes in both the U.S. and Japan. Toyota described it as a software issue.

Now it seems the underlying problem involves the software and the computerized controls governing acceleration and braking in many Toyota vehicles. CEO Toyoda has only compounded the crisis. When he finally held a press conference in Japan to apologize, he pointedly did not make a deep bow to demonstrate regret.

Read more: Toyota Recall Highlights Deep Organizational Failures


In Japan, executives bow as a form of apology. The deeper the bow, the deeper the regret the executives hope to express. In the United States, however, apologies are not enough (“Toyota’s President Getting,” 2010). Americans often desire answers and explanations for the crisis that has occurred.

During the recall crisis, reports surfaced of Japanese and American public relations practitioners would get into screaming matches during phone conferences as they tried to convince one another that their methodology of communication was the more effective one.

When a crisis strikes in Asian countries, the company involved works silently to resolve the problem before addressing the media. However, this method is seen as unprofessional in the United States where consumers, politicians and other affected parties expect answers first and action second.

When the crisis struck, each of the public relations teams in different countries should have developed a specialized response for each country’s communicational expectations.

Read more: Toyota’s Cultural Crisis A case analysis of the company’s 2010 recall and the communications crisis that could have been avoided.By Ashley Nichols


During the 1990s, Toyota began to experience rapid growth and expansion. With this success, the organization became more defensive and protective of information.

Toyota’s CEO, Akio Toyoda, the grandson of its founder, has conceded, “Quite frankly, I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick.”

Case in Point: Toyota Struggles With Organizational Structure


1. Aggressive growth can create unmanageable risk. Toyota’s desire to supplant General Motors as the world’s number-one car-maker pushed it to the outer limits of quality control.

2. Get the facts quickly and manage your risks aggressively. One of the more troubling aspects of Toyota’s recalls (there have been two) has been the company’s differing accounts of the source of the problem.

3. Your supply chain is only as strong as your weakest link. The reality is that auto companies make hardly any of their parts.

4. Accept Responsibility. This is one area where Toyota seems to be doing a good job, albeit maybe a year or more too late.

5. Take the Long View. The three leading factors burnishing corporate reputation these days are “quality products and services, a company I can trust and transparency of business practices,”

Read More: Toyota Recall: Five Critical Lessons


My hypothesis was that no company is truly excellent and often success is contingent on circumstances. My starting point was inspired by the book In Search of Excellence, whose ‘excellent’ examples were not so excellent a few years later.

Form my reading of all the articles listed it seems to me that Toyota has good DNA but have suffered pain as a result of geographic and cultural expansion straining systems and compromising communications.

A question in the current social economic climate has to be: Is all growth good? Are the problems experienced by Toyota an inevitable consequence of scale? When the underdog becomes the overlord the change almost resembles a switch in polarity rather than a gradual process.

The systems thinking and process control that Toyota has been famous for appears to have become so complex that its now part of the problem rather a method of quality and control. It is what science-fiction speculates will happen when complex systems start making the decisions rather than following them.

It seems to be inevitable that more like this will happen in the future.

If you are interested in helping people, organisations achieve change through process, projects or coaching get in touch.

Tim HJ Rogers

MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner

ICF Trained Coach IoD Business Mentor

Mob 447797762051

#people #process #performance #projects #change

Source: Adapt Consulting Blog




According to a report by the Project Management Institute there is demand for 88 million roles by the end of 2021. In this article my aim is to share some experience, notably contracting the theory with the reality of Project Management and noting some of the things that are well documented and pointless with the factors that are often absent but essential.

Since my aim is not to teach project management nor champion one approach over another (eg Waterfall v Agile, or PRINCE2 v Scrum) I will instead include references and links in the comments if anyone asks.


Project managers play the lead role in planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing projects. They are accountable for the entire project scope, project team, resources, and the success or failure of the project. There are lots of good texts explaining the role of a Project Manager (PM) and comparing to a Sponsor, Scrum Master, Product Owner etc. (See links in comments). What I would like to do here is draw upon my own experience and make the comparison of Project Manager with Project Leader.

I often see inexperienced and newly qualified Project Manager who can do exactly what the client wants and what the book or course says is the best way of doing it. They are like novice cooks following a recipe for a customer who knows they want a cheese omlette. What can do wrong? The client knows what they want and the book explains how to do it. When people hire student, graduate or cheap project managers this is what they get, and very often this is excellent value for money.

Problems arise when the client isn’t able to clearly articulate what they want, or the idea is so novel to the organisation, technology, people or circumstance that the Dummy’s Guide to Projects is not really helpful. Project Leadership is more like coaching or consulting, using discussion to help define and document the intended outcome and necessary outputs in a way that can be used to gain consensus, clarity, coordination and collaboration.  When this is achieved then perhaps you could delegate a Project Manager in the same way a Chef might direct a Cook, but in my experience ambiguity doesn’t go away and there is a constant need to discuss, review and revise and this happens at a level of seniority where Project Management is more about people and stakeholder management.


It is interesting to think about what is important in the context of why projects fail and accordingly the key success factors in rank order.

Clearly defined objectives
Good planning and control methods
Good quality of project managers
Good management support
Enough time and resources
Commitment by all
High user involvement
Good communication
Good project organisation and structure
Being able to stop a project

We can see right away that communication and consensus (near the top) are critical to co-ordination and collaboration (which are necessary in all the subsequent elements). By speaking to experienced project managers  Sam Elbeik and Mark Thomas attempted to identify the critical factors that must be addressed if a project is to be completed successfully. They developed a six stage process for managing projects: define, plan, build the team, lead and motivate, control communications, review.


The underestimation of complexity, cost and/or schedule

National Health Service – UK – Rollout of the Care Records Service component of the UK’s National Program for IT grinds to a halt after pilot sites report significant problems.  Already 4 years behind schedule, the initial pilot releases in London England were branded a shambles as failure to address culture change issues interacted with ‘technical faults’ to produce weeks of chaos at hospitals. Original scope and cost of project was radically underestimated.  Original budget was $4.6B, it has subsequently grown to $24B, with some observers estimating it could grow to as much as $40B.  

Failure to establish appropriate control over requirements and/or scope

Rate Collection Agency – Northern Island – Problems with local property tax (“property rates”) collection system result in $260M worth of payments going uncollected. Poor requirements specifications, missing requirements, problems migrating data from legacy systems, pressure to deploy the system before adequate testing had been completed.

Lack of communications

Department of homeland security – USA – Efforts to upgrade existing anti-terror tracking systems run into serious architectural and quality flaws. System fails to perform basic Boolean functions (AND, OR, etc) and reports of serious performance concerns surface. System performance and architectural concerns regarding use of XML over a relational database design, failure to meet security requirements, radical reduction in functionality versus systems it replaces (reasons for functional shortfalls not stated), failure by the government to staff key oversight roles, quality flaws, agency turf battles, plus some interesting allegations

Failure to engage stakeholders

Qantas – “Jetsmart” engineering parts management system is renamed “Dumbjet” by aircraft engineers because the system is so difficult to use. Failure to engage the engineers who would be the eventual users of the system into the requirements and design processes resulted in a system that the engineers deemed to be unusable once it was launched.

See more examples from the resources provided in the comments.


I started as a computer programmer and later became Head of IT. I had a logical thinking discipline and analytical approach to problem solving and later managing systems and solution delivery. I then got involved in non-technology change when first working in retail and thinking about shoppers, suppliers, staff and the need to work with groups and teams with different needs and priorities.

This then went up a level when I took responsibility for the ‘privatisation’ of the Post Office and necessarily had to start thinking about laws, legislation, unions, policies and politicians. It was in this period that I did my MBA. At each stage of increasing complexity I learned more sometimes getting it right, and sometimes learning from mistakes.

I became a ICF Trained Coach and IoD Business Mentor when I realised that I understood systems and processes better than I understood people. I could discuss, design, build and deploy changes in banking, retail, public service or improve processes and performance in manufacture or service but I knew very little about psychology or the cognitive processes of change and the unconscious concerns that often underpin resistance or fear to change.

Ironically I am a World Champs and Commonwealth Games athlete, but I never applied the mindset of sport into the management of people because despite the frequent comparison they are very different. Nonetheless the combined experience of sport, technology, business, change, processes and people has been valuable especially given the academic underpinning with qualifications. This it not about the badge, but the books. It isn’t about the certificate but the knowledge.


Read wisely, there are a few books from which you can gain many years of knowledge in a few weeks.  There is some brilliant stuff on the internet but a book is often better than a brochure or a blog when it comes to deeper learning.

Gain experience, take the jobs at the edge of your comfort-zone and work really hard to understand everything around that new role, sector or circumstance. When I took a role in a bank I also took a Corporate Diploma in Banking so that I properly understood the client, industry and culture as well as the project and planned changes.

Work hard to help people achieve their goals. Not every moment has been a success, but people will forgive you and work hard if they believe you are genuinely committed to helping them or their organisation achieve something important.

Ask people what they think. In the battle of ideas yours may have only one-vote, whereas others will come wrapped with different experiences and perspectives. Examine these very closely and then seek consensus rather than compliance.

See in comments below useful resources.

Tim HJ Rogers
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
ICF Trained Coach IoD Business Mentor
Tutor / Trainer for the Chartered Management Institute.
Mob 447797762051
#people #process #performance #projects #change

Useful resources to the above article.

What is a project manager? The lead role for project success,Project%20managers%20play%20the%20lead%20role%20in%20planning%2C%20executing%2C%20monitoring,or%20failure%20of%20the%20project.

Scrum Master & Project Manager: What are the differences?

Top 10 Reasons Why Projects Fail

Analysis of the examples in the “Catalogue of catastrophe” reveals the most common mistakes.

CMI Strategic Project Management

Source: Adapt Consulting Blog